As we all know the pools opened this weekend and with that comes living in our swimsuits for the next few months. I know that we all say that we need to workout and we need to get bikini ready and then it sneaks up on you and it's HERE. So heres your chance you have 5 weeks until July 4th weekend and there is no better time than now to set a new goal or get refocused. Think about what you want to do wether it be tone, tighten or trim you can do anything in 5 weeks and now is the time. You must start by getting focused and making a plan think about what you're going to be eating the next 5 weeks. What are your guilty pleasures, what can you not say "no" to ? Start to plan your day and set yourself up for success, put yourself in the winning zone. When you complete each day of healthy habits you are winning and getting a step closer to your goal. Start by planning meals and stashing snacks in your purse, your car and in your fridge. Make little bags of small snacks think almonds, string cheese, granola bars, carrots, celery, banana and anything else that would be considered a good and healthy snack. Keep a small notebook with you and write down everything that you eat throughout the day and hold yourself accountable. When you skip writing something down because you feel guilty you're only hurting yourself and this journey is about holding yourself accountable and reaching your goal. You can only do this for you and you wont be upset with the results of your hard work and the pay off will be in the form of a 2 piece banging bikini body. Stay focused and you can do anything.
25 jump squats
20 walking lunges
50 bicycle crunches
15 push ups
50 crunches
30 sec plank
Repeat 3 times and complete 30 min of cardio
Monday, May 28, 2012
Friday, May 25, 2012
MENTAL block
Many people get so stuck on the number on the scale that they start to forget how far they've come. Think back to when you first started this journey you may have only been able to run for 1 min before walking now you may be doing 4-5 min. Clear your head and the rest will follow when you let go of the number on the scale and start focusing on your ability and pushing yourself you will see the number drop sometimes effortlessly. Also remember muscle weighs more than fat and you need muscle to power your intense workouts. Healthy is the new skinny. It's not attractive to be skin and bones but to be toned and athletic. So when you start to obsess over the number on the scale, shift your focus and think about how far you've come and all the muscle you have built. You have to know that your body won't let you get to an unrealistic weight without fighting back so find your healthy weight and maintain.
10 Pushups
30 Lunges
50 Jumping jacks
25 Squats
20 sec Plank
50 Bicycle crunches
20 Crunches
*repeat circuit 3 times*
Don't compare yourself with someone else's version of happy or thin. Accepting yourself burns the most calories.
10 Pushups
30 Lunges
50 Jumping jacks
25 Squats
20 sec Plank
50 Bicycle crunches
20 Crunches
*repeat circuit 3 times*
Don't compare yourself with someone else's version of happy or thin. Accepting yourself burns the most calories.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Give a little ... GET A LOT !!
To start a workout plan or any type of exercise doesn't mean that you need to be A-list athlete or be in top shape. All you need is a few things a pair of running shoes, some dedication, motivation and a goal along with the will to get started. Start slow if you are going from doing no physical activity start by just walking around the block once a day. At your own pace you can start running the block, walking more or adding more distance. It may be difficult at first to get around the block but keep your goal in mind and stay focused on what you want. Over the next few weeks you will improve on the distance and your stamina and start to see changes in your body and your muscles. When you start on healthy habit it usually snowballs into another but remember to take it slow and really celebrate every walk, every decision and every milestone. You will reap so many benefits from physical activity and healthy changes in your diet which can include decreased stress, increased energy, weight loss, sleep better and overall health. In conclusion you only have to want to start and stay focus but remember to write down your goals, put them somewhere you will see them everyday. Your goals can change every week, week 1 might be walk the block 1 time daily and week 2 might be drink more water.
Trimmer THIGHS
25 Squats
15 Sumo squats (stand with feet apart and toes pointed out)
10 Jump squats
*repeat 3 times*
45 min of Cardio (your choice)
Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.
XOOXOX have a GREAT thursday !
Trimmer THIGHS
25 Squats
15 Sumo squats (stand with feet apart and toes pointed out)
10 Jump squats
*repeat 3 times*
45 min of Cardio (your choice)
Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.
XOOXOX have a GREAT thursday !
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
I've been wanting to post about this subject for such a long time and finally had the chance to sit down and do some research to support this topic. Childhood obesity is definitely on the rise and you see it everywhere you go from the schools to the supermarkets it's an epidemic. I'd like to start with a few statistics from the CDC (center for disease control). To understand the problem you have to understand the core of the problem and the meaning of the term obese.
*Childhood obesity has more than tripled in the past 30 years. Approximately 12.5 million children from ages 2-19 are obese.
Give children toys that encourage physical activity like balls, kites, and jump ropes.
Encourage children to join a sports team or try a new physical activity.
Limit TV time and keep the TV out of a child’s bedroom.
Facilitate a safe walk to and from school a few times a week.
Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
Walk around the block after a meal.
Make a new house rule: no sitting still during television commercials.
Find time to spend together doing a fun activity: family park day, swim day or bike day.
Issue a family challenge to see who can be the first to achieve a Presidential Active Lifestyle Award by committing to physical activity five days a week, for six weeks. Adults and children can both receive the award!
Talk to your children’s principal or write a letter to your district superintendent to incorporate more physical education in schools.
Encourage schools to hold recess prior to lunch to increase physical activity before mealtime.
Volunteer to help with afterschool physical activity programs or sports teams.
Be sure that children get the sleep they need. Most children under age five need to sleep for 11 hours or more per day, children age five to 10 need 10 hours of sleep or more per day, and children over age 10 need at least nine hours per day.
Learn how engaging in outside activities can be fun and affordable for families through Let’s Move Outside, which promotes a range of healthy outdoor activities for children and families across the country.
"In the final analysis it is not what you do for your children but
what you have taught them to do for themselves
that will make them successful human beings."
*Childhood obesity has more than tripled in the past 30 years. Approximately 12.5 million children from ages 2-19 are obese.
- *Overweight is defined as having excess body weight for a particular height from fat, muscle, bone, water, or a combination of these factors.3 Obesity is defined as having excess body fat.4
- *Overweight and obesity are the result of “caloric imbalance”—too few calories expended for the amount of calories consumed—and are affected by various genetic, behavioral, and environmental factors.5,6
These are all very scary statistics and most people are not aware of the amount of children that are facing this disease. There are some changes that we can make for our children whether they are yours or nieces/nephews or someone you babysit. Being a positive role model for children is something that can change their lives. I remember being you and you had that one "grown up" that you always looked up to and wanted to be like. So I'm asking you to take this challenge and change the life of a youth that you know not only by being that "cool" grown up but by helping them live a healthy and happy lifestyle. Below I've listed some of the things that I've found on the website called set up by the first lady to get youth involved in healthy eating and lifestyle changes.
Fruits & Vegetables
- Kids should eat five fruits and vegetables a day
- Serve fresh, frozen, and canned fruits and vegetables; they all count
- Provide fruit or carrot sticks as great snacks
- Offer 100% juice, with no added sugar
- Mix vegetables into dishes, like adding peas to rice, or cucumbers to a sandwich
Healthy Choices to Reduce Fat and Sugar
- Switch to low or non-fat milk, yogurt and cheese
- Choose lean cuts of meat like skinless chicken or extra lean ground beef for hamburgers or pasta sauces
- Bake or grill instead of fry
- Substitute olive or vegetable oil for butter
- Substitute water or low-fat milk for sodas or sweetened beverages
- Drink less soda or sugar-sweetened drinks
- Switch to lower sugar breakfast cereals
- Switch desserts like ice cream and cake for fruit based desserts
- Reduce the number of snacks served each day
- Leave a bowl of fruit or carrot sticks on the kitchen table
- Differentiate between snacks that require permission (cookies), versus snacks that kids can take freely (fresh or dried fruit)
- Have kids drink water at snack time
- Save "treats" for special occasions
Portion Size
- Kids are smaller than adults and should eat smaller portions
- Use smaller plates for kids
- Don't force kids to clean their plates if they are full
- Portions should be about the size of the back of a fist—a child’s fist for a child’s portion
- Start with a small portion. Children can have seconds if they are still hungry
Eat Together
- Family meals focus on eating and enjoying food and each other
- Eating together is a chance to model good behavior
- Regularly scheduled meal and snack times help kids learn structure for eating
and here are some more tips from the same website about getting started and getting active....
My goal is to encourage and educate as many people as I can about health and nutrition and help the make the lifestyle changes needed to be around for a long time. This is a very tough subject for me to talk about being that it is close to my heart and I only hope to be a positive aspect in the changes of the people I come in contact with.
I'll leave you with this quote that I found to be so appropriate for this blog
what you have taught them to do for themselves
that will make them successful human beings."
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
powered by POSITIVITY
I find that one of the main reasons that people give for quitting workout routines is that they have no partner to work out with. Some of the benefits of a partner include someone to talk with and compare tips and tricks, someone to hold you accountable and someone that encourages you. So when looking for a partner make sure that you find one that is on the same fitness level and is just a driven as you. When you begin a workout routine it's easy to start telling everyone because it's new and exciting. This can also be a great time to find a new workout partner or try something new that you might not have. Surrounding yourself with positive people on a similar path as you can give you the motivation. Think about those days that you are lagging just seeing someone else doing it makes me want to do it and in return you will give it back with your dedication.
Todays workout is cardio and I want you to aim for 60 min. You need to break it up into 20 min sections and switch up the type of cardio. You can pick a circuit that you likes, run for a bit, walk for a bit or even do jumprope/jumping jacks circuit. I always tell people that running clears your minds and the faster you run the faster your mind is clear. You can outrun anger, sadness, frustration and any other things that may cause stress. I had the privilege of being on a run with a really great friend last night when she got the call that her grandmother had passed away. It was right where she needed to be when she got the call and we will forever run in her honor. As we're running up the Milburn hill a huge gust of wind blowing against us is pushing us back and in that moment I know her grandma is with us. I think to myself she is giving Becca the sign that things in life are going to try to push you down but you are so strong and you are going to make it through. As we are recapping our run I tell her about the sign and she proceeds to tell me that at that very moment she was praying for peace and comfort for her grandmother (one of the classiest ladies Becca knows). We got to the bottom of Yaeger hill and hugged for a few minutes and as we proceeded to walk up the hill to the house the clouds move and sun shined as bright as ever and we soaked it up. So you see there are signs everywhere you just have to be willing to open your mind and look with your heart. I'm so thankful to have such a strong friend and so blessed to be able to help her through such a trying time in her life. Love and Prayers XOOXOXO.
Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows that it must outrun the fastest lion or it will be killed. Every morning in Africa, a lion wakes up. It knows that it must out run the slowest gazelle or it will starve. It doesn’t matter whether you are a lion or gazelle. When the sun comes up you had better be running!
Todays workout is cardio and I want you to aim for 60 min. You need to break it up into 20 min sections and switch up the type of cardio. You can pick a circuit that you likes, run for a bit, walk for a bit or even do jumprope/jumping jacks circuit. I always tell people that running clears your minds and the faster you run the faster your mind is clear. You can outrun anger, sadness, frustration and any other things that may cause stress. I had the privilege of being on a run with a really great friend last night when she got the call that her grandmother had passed away. It was right where she needed to be when she got the call and we will forever run in her honor. As we're running up the Milburn hill a huge gust of wind blowing against us is pushing us back and in that moment I know her grandma is with us. I think to myself she is giving Becca the sign that things in life are going to try to push you down but you are so strong and you are going to make it through. As we are recapping our run I tell her about the sign and she proceeds to tell me that at that very moment she was praying for peace and comfort for her grandmother (one of the classiest ladies Becca knows). We got to the bottom of Yaeger hill and hugged for a few minutes and as we proceeded to walk up the hill to the house the clouds move and sun shined as bright as ever and we soaked it up. So you see there are signs everywhere you just have to be willing to open your mind and look with your heart. I'm so thankful to have such a strong friend and so blessed to be able to help her through such a trying time in her life. Love and Prayers XOOXOXO.
Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows that it must outrun the fastest lion or it will be killed. Every morning in Africa, a lion wakes up. It knows that it must out run the slowest gazelle or it will starve. It doesn’t matter whether you are a lion or gazelle. When the sun comes up you had better be running!
Monday, May 21, 2012
Baby steps
After talking to a few friends this weekend I had a lot to say this morning mostly about the beginning stages of exercise. Whatever it is that you decide to take partake in I believe this is the best decision that you can ever make. I believe that a healthy active lifestyle is the key to life long happiness and many other benefits to the quality of life. Whatever the reason may be that you've said a million times "I need to work out" or "I need to lose weight" or "I'll start on monday" they are all excuses I've heard a million times and have used myself. The truth is once you move past that stage you move onto the dedication and motivation phase where you are 100% focused on your goal. I'm here to tell you that you don't have to start a plan on monday but if that's what you are waiting for then you're just in luck because today happens to be monday. You should't change all of your eating habits all at once which can cause you to wit but instead make little changes weekly or even monthly. Whether it's cutting out soda or eating less unhealthy snacks or even just adding more veggies. Whatever you're changing make sure you are 100% confident about the change before introducing your next change to your body. So today my challenge to you is to pick something to cut back on and stick to it as well as doing a circuit to kickstart your body for this week. I've had many people tell me that I'm an inspiration to them working out and that means the world to me but, the truth is that you are my inspiration. To see people transform theirs bodies and lives and be part of that gives me the ultimate satisfaction in life which is helping another be happy and healthy.
Monday Mania.....
20 min Cardio
10 Push ups
15 Squats
20 Walking lunges (lunging while you walk)
25 Jumping jacks
30 Crunches
For all you beginners out there do this workout along with 20 min of card one time.
For all those that have been working out for more than 2 weeks aim to complete circuit 5 times through with 1 minute rest in between along with the 20 minute cardio.
You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think <3 XOOXOXX
Monday Mania.....
20 min Cardio
10 Push ups
15 Squats
20 Walking lunges (lunging while you walk)
25 Jumping jacks
30 Crunches
For all you beginners out there do this workout along with 20 min of card one time.
For all those that have been working out for more than 2 weeks aim to complete circuit 5 times through with 1 minute rest in between along with the 20 minute cardio.
You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think <3 XOOXOXX
Friday, May 18, 2012
This weekend focus on cardio for saturday and sunday you should aim for 45 min of cardio. This can be any kind of cardio you choose from playing tag with your kids to going on a walk with a friend. Todays workout is all about abs and strengthening your core but first I have some tips and tricks to remember while working your abs. Poor form while doing ab exercises can lead to neck pain and make your exercises less effective. If you find yourself straining your neck muscles then your abs aren't working as hard as they should. Your abs should be doing all the work so make sure that you are exhaling fully and really squeeze those abs as you come up in the crunch and keep the tension as you go back down. You must constantly contract the muscles if you want to see the results.
50 Crunches
25 Toe touches
50 Russian Twist
25 Accordion (side to side)
50 Bicycle
25 Full sit ups (legs straight)
Repeat 3 times
Toe Touch: While laying on your back put your feet in the air straight up then reach for your toes while squeezing your abs.
Russian Twist: Sit on the floor with knees bent and feet together, lifted a few inches off the floor. With the back at a 45-degree angle from the ground, move the arms from one side to another in a twisting motion.
Accordion: Start on your back with feet and legs extended then at the same time bring your knee in to meet your elbows. Squeezing your abs all the way then straighten your legs and arms out again repeating with the same intensity.
Bicycle: Lie down with knees bent and hands behind the head. With the knees in toward the chest, bring the right elbow towards the left knee as the right leg straightens. Continue alternating sides (like you're pedaling!)
50 Crunches
25 Toe touches
50 Russian Twist
25 Accordion (side to side)
50 Bicycle
25 Full sit ups (legs straight)
Repeat 3 times
Toe Touch: While laying on your back put your feet in the air straight up then reach for your toes while squeezing your abs.
Russian Twist: Sit on the floor with knees bent and feet together, lifted a few inches off the floor. With the back at a 45-degree angle from the ground, move the arms from one side to another in a twisting motion.
Accordion: Start on your back with feet and legs extended then at the same time bring your knee in to meet your elbows. Squeezing your abs all the way then straighten your legs and arms out again repeating with the same intensity.
Bicycle: Lie down with knees bent and hands behind the head. With the knees in toward the chest, bring the right elbow towards the left knee as the right leg straightens. Continue alternating sides (like you're pedaling!)
Thursday, May 17, 2012
BURN .....
Todays workout is CARDIO and this means anything that gets your heart rate up whether it's running, biking or your favorite circuit. Another surprising cardio move is jumping rope I use a lot of jumping jacks in my circuits to build endurance and keep heart rate up. I find that when I jump rope it's a nice switch from the normal everyday running. So today get out there and get your 60min of cardio in however you can even if you need to break it up into 2 sessions. Also if anyone is looking for a 5K there is a 5K Color Run sweeping the nation and it looks so awesome. I would love to have as many of my friends there as I can so check it out and sign up if your up for the challenge.
Check out this link
If you want to be on our team its called the "Patron Princesses" the more the merrier !!
All those so called "Secrets of Success" won't work unless you do !!
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
I have come to the conclusion that we don't celebrate the little victories as much as we should. It's hard enough to stick with working out once you get started let alone celebrate. If you've just started this workout plan or you've been doing it for weeks you are on the right track. Sometimes its hard to see the progress without seeing the matching numbers on the scale. Think about this, it took some time to put on the weight it wasn't overnight and it's going to take time to take it off. You won't just gain 5 lbs overnight and you're NOT going to lose 5 lbs overnight. The amount of hard work that you put in will reflect in the numbers and how you feel. If you've lost 3 lbs and your clothes are fitting better or a little bigger that's a victory. To often we are focused on the scale and the number that we see but, I want you to celebrate every victory along this journey whether you think it's BIG or small. The fact is you're on the right path and you are going to have many more victories if you stick with it so CELEBRATE!!!
Today's workout (found on Pinterest and looks KILLER)
30 Jumping Jacks
5 Push ups
25 High knees
7 Burpees
10 Crunches
7 Squats
5 Push ups
10 Crunches
5 Push ups
7 Squats
30 Jumping Jacks
1 min Wall sit
5 Push ups
25 High knees
*REPEAT 3 time*
Running ..... 30 min (run 1 min/walk 1 min)
If you're not doing the running try anything cardio for 30 minutes
Today's workout (found on Pinterest and looks KILLER)
30 Jumping Jacks
5 Push ups
25 High knees
7 Burpees
10 Crunches
7 Squats
5 Push ups
10 Crunches
5 Push ups
7 Squats
30 Jumping Jacks
1 min Wall sit
5 Push ups
25 High knees
*REPEAT 3 time*
Running ..... 30 min (run 1 min/walk 1 min)
If you're not doing the running try anything cardio for 30 minutes
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
TIGHT tush tuesday
Breathing is one of the biggest things that people ask me about when they start running. This is a tricky thing to try to explain to others but I'm going to give it a shot. Some of the experts will tell you to try the 2-2 or 3-3 method which means you'll breathe in for 2 steps and out for 2 steps or 3 in and 3 out. To be honest I hate to count steps but for some this will make the time and miles fly by so find what works for you. I've found it easiest to listen to my body and breathe natural in and out if it seems I'm gasping for air I will slow down and if it feels like it's to easy I will speed it up. I'm not sure that there is a right and wrong way but by doing what works for you, you will find that it becomes easier the more you condition your lungs. When I get a cramp I try to take one deep belly breath and hold it in then let it out slowly. Sometime I can squeeze my side where the cramp is and slightly massage it which usually relieves it. If you find that you are getting cramps frequently with running you might want to check your hydration and calculate if you're drinking enough water daily. Besides breathing and hydration you should beware of certain foods before runs I find that any fried food or heavy food tends to give me cramps and makes me sluggish. Find what works for you and stick with it you will find your groove in no time. Some really BIG benefits of running and any other exercise plan for that matter are as follows. Your health will improve, prevention of disease, lose unwanted weight, relieve stress, eliminate depression and boost confidence. If you are questioning the benefits of exercise ask anyone that does it on a regular basis and they can give you a million reasons join the movement.
Tight TUSH tuesday
50 back lunges (step backwards to lunge alternating sides)
40 sumo squats (definition at the bottom)
30 Jump squats
20 Leg Lifts
10 sec plank
Sumo Squat: Start with feet 6-12 in wider than your shoulders and point toes outward at a 45 degree angle. Keep weight in your heels and lower body making thighs parallel to the floor. Don't let knew go over toes .
Jump Squats: Start in a regular squat position lower into the squat then jump landing back in lower squat position.
Leg Lifts: While on your hands in knees stretch your left leg and right hand out. Just like someone was tugging on your hand pulling it forward and someone else was pulling your leg backward. Hold the position for 5 seconds on each side focusing on stretching as far as you can. Then alternate until you have completed 10 on each side.
Tight TUSH tuesday
50 back lunges (step backwards to lunge alternating sides)
40 sumo squats (definition at the bottom)
30 Jump squats
20 Leg Lifts
10 sec plank
Sumo Squat: Start with feet 6-12 in wider than your shoulders and point toes outward at a 45 degree angle. Keep weight in your heels and lower body making thighs parallel to the floor. Don't let knew go over toes .
Jump Squats: Start in a regular squat position lower into the squat then jump landing back in lower squat position.
Leg Lifts: While on your hands in knees stretch your left leg and right hand out. Just like someone was tugging on your hand pulling it forward and someone else was pulling your leg backward. Hold the position for 5 seconds on each side focusing on stretching as far as you can. Then alternate until you have completed 10 on each side.
Monday, May 14, 2012
Run for your LIFE
I think that everyone has heard "running is the fastest way to loose weight" while I'm not sure if this is the best approach but, I do love to run. I know that many people will see this title or even read this blog and say "running isn't for me" or "I have bad knees" or find any other excuse not to run. For those of you that are interested in the health benefits and the positive things running can do for you I have some pretty good tips. I know that many people wont believe this but, there was a point before I loved it that I absolutely despised running. I, like many people, would come up with all the excuses that I couldn't run. I'm here to tell you that if you get the "I can't" attitude out of your mind you might be surprised to find that no one is a born runner but you train to run. Signing up for a run is the BEST motivation to start running and there will be people at each race that are at different levels in running abilities. You will always be faster than some people and slower than others it's all about you and your personal goals and records. You are only competing against yourself and this is a sport like many others that you will get out what you put in. Start off slow and build your lungs and legs and plan your run for 5 weeks form the day you plan to start running then sign up for a 5K. It all starts with a goal, a plan and dedication but by posting your plan on the fridge or somewhere you will see it everyday you are more likely to hold yourself accountable. This plan is to train for a 5K in 5 weeks and it is best done at your own pace. There is not a right or wrong way to complete this plan this is just a template so if you need to increase the walking then do it.
MONDAY: 5 min Walk (warm-up)
30 min Run (1 min run/2 min walk) repeat until 30 min is reached
TUESDAY: 50 Lunges (alternating legs)
40 Jumping Jacks
30 Squats
20 Full Sit-ups
10 Push-ups
*Repeat circuit 4 times
WEDNESDAY: 5 min Walk (warm-up)
MONDAY: 5 min Walk (warm-up)
30 min Run (1 min run/2 min walk) repeat until 30 min is reached
TUESDAY: 50 Lunges (alternating legs)
40 Jumping Jacks
30 Squats
20 Full Sit-ups
10 Push-ups
*Repeat circuit 4 times
WEDNESDAY: 5 min Walk (warm-up)
30 min Run (1 min run/2 min walk) repeat until 30 min is reached
THURSDAY: 30 sec Plank
30 Crunches
30 Bicycle crunches
15 Full sit-ups
*Repeat circuit 5 times
FRIDAY: 5 min Walk (warm-up)
30 min Run (1 min run/2 min walk) repeat until 30 min is reached
SUNDAY: 5 min Walk (warm-up)
30 min Run (2 min run/2 min walk) repeat until 30 min is reached
This will be for the first week of the 5-week training program and will increase over the next 4 weeks. Remember to sign up for your 5K and let me know which one you chose and if you have any questions about running. It's important to start slow and listen to your body the right kind of running shoes are also important so find a running specific shoe. I've found that any shoes that aren't labeled running shoes can increase the strain on your body so find something that works for you. I'll keep you posted with some of the most common running questions and running tips but, let me know if you have any that I've missed . Happy running and remember that runners are made and not born.
THURSDAY: 30 sec Plank
30 Crunches
30 Bicycle crunches
15 Full sit-ups
*Repeat circuit 5 times
FRIDAY: 5 min Walk (warm-up)
30 min Run (1 min run/2 min walk) repeat until 30 min is reached
SUNDAY: 5 min Walk (warm-up)
30 min Run (2 min run/2 min walk) repeat until 30 min is reached
This will be for the first week of the 5-week training program and will increase over the next 4 weeks. Remember to sign up for your 5K and let me know which one you chose and if you have any questions about running. It's important to start slow and listen to your body the right kind of running shoes are also important so find a running specific shoe. I've found that any shoes that aren't labeled running shoes can increase the strain on your body so find something that works for you. I'll keep you posted with some of the most common running questions and running tips but, let me know if you have any that I've missed . Happy running and remember that runners are made and not born.
- ¼ cup egg whites (sometimes I add in a full egg, with the yolk)
- 1 handful of baby spinach
- ¼ teaspoon (about a pinch) onion powder
- ¼ cup halved cherry tomatoes
- ¼ cup shredded low fat (or skim) grated mozzarella cheese
- Note: A few vegetables I like to sub in are steamed asparagus, sautéed mushrooms, or steamed broccoli.
- In a bowl, beat together the egg whites, spinach and onion powder.
- In a small skillet coated with olive oil cooking spray over medium heat, pour in the egg mixture and cook for about 2 to 3 minutes.
- Flip with spatula and cook another 2 minutes. (At this point it will look like a big egg pancake. Yum!)
- Reduce heat to low and sprinkle on cheese and cherry tomatoes and then fold omelet in half (one side over the other). Cook for another minute or so to allow cheese to melt and then serve.
- Add salt and pepper to taste. Enjoy!
This omelet is really simple, quick, and very easy to make! Plus, it’s a great way to kick start your day. The best part? You’ll notice that the egg + veggie combo will keep you feeling full longer. Found on Lauren Conrads website.
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