Thursday, May 3, 2012

TURN IT ON ......

Ok so after posting yesterdays blog and getting a lot of feedback about the meat posting I'd like to clear the air. Even though I don't eat meat for personal reasons I don't want anyone to give up meat because of me. I think there are a lot of pro's and con's to eating meat and I almost wish I did eat it and didn't have to find other ways to supplement my protein. If you choose to not eat meat I've found a few substitutes that have worked for me and have some pretty awesome health benefits. Anytime you are looking for a meat substitute I think that soy is a very good route to go. Soy has tons of protein and is low in cholesterol plus, you can find anything made from soy such as chicken, turkey, bacon and even hot dogs. Soy also has cancer fighting properties and can lower your risk for breast, colon and prostate cancer. I like Tofu on occasion I think that once you get past the texture the flavor is pretty good but, everyone is different so give it a shot. I love to eat portobello mushroom caps straight off the grill they are also low in cholesterol and fat and high in protein. I think that any way you can get protein you should because it is so beneficial to your health. I also recommend taking vitamins I know that there are a lot of different opinions on vitamins but, they have helped me with the lack of nutrients I get from not eating meat.

Todays tip is snacking smart and getting the most of everything you're putting into your body. So when the cravings hit make sure you are reaching for the right type of snack. These are the ones that you're not going to feel guilty eating and you're going to benefit from. If you're craving something salty reach for some string cheese, edamame, air popped popcorn, pita with hummus or some veggies. When the need for sweets won't leave your brain reach for some fresh fruit, apple with PB or some greek yogurt. Make sure that you are still mindful with serving sizes and you follow the guidelines that work best for you.

Thinning Thursday

30 min of cardio

50 crunches
30 sec plank
15 pushups
30 sec rest

25 squats
40 lunges (alternating)
50 jumping jacks
30 sec rest

30 sec wall sits
15 burpees
30 sec plank
50 crunches
30 sec rest

Repeat 3 times

Today I broke up the workout into 3 separate circuits. You should complete each circuit once through before starting your second set.


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