Monday, August 27, 2012

Be the INSPIRATION you need

Its like a breath of fresh air and I'm instantly inspired to blog every time that someone tells me they've read my blog and it's helped them with their weight loss journey. This weekend like many others we went out with friends to have drinks and watch a band. As we were sitting there one of our friends came over and said thank you for writing your blog I've lost 52 pounds along with the help of weight watchers, eating healthy and your blog. This instantly made me inspired to write about the encounter this morning. I've been thinking a lot about inspiration lately and what I could to inspire others but, recently it occurred to be that to be inspiring you have to be inspired. So you see its like the circle of life in a way and you get out what you put in. Everyone needs a little push now and then and I would like to thank you for doing that for me. Truth is that you are a hero and an inspiration to many people through all that you do. Let me just start with saying that 52 lbs is no easy feat and to have the dedication and motivation to make it that far is amazing. I'm also so thankful that through social networks and blogging I've been able to make a difference for a few people. So for that I say Thank You!

Monday Funday 

40 min of cardio 
* 2 min walking and 2 min jogging (repeat until you reach 40 min)

12 Push ups 
12 Bicep curls (each arm) 
12 Bench press 
*repeat cycle 3 times 

25 crunches 
50 bicycle crunches 
25 toe touches (lay on your back with your legs straight up and reaching for toes while crunching)
*repeat this 3 times 

I love inspiring people, and if I can make a difference in one person's life, then that's a success for me.
-Sasha Azevedo

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