Tuesday, August 21, 2012

SHOUT it out !

Once you turn your negatives into positives, you might just become your own biggest fan! But having a network of people who genuinely want to see you happy and successful is also essential. The key is to find people who are supportive without being asked. Whether it's your mom, your partner, your kids, or your best friend, an encouraging and steady presence in your life can bring strength and courage when you need it most. JM

I know that people are driven by other people and even though my post about working out might be "annoying" to some, They might be inspiring someone else to workout. I've been asked everything about my status' from "Is that all you do? workout" or "every time I'm on Facebook you're running" or "Your status updates about running are so annoying". The truth is I hold myself accountable by posting it on my social network. Through Facebook I've found many others that have a love for running some of whom I've been friends with for years. We may be miles away but being able to push each other through fb or talk about running and have someone that "gets it" can sometimes me the only motivation that you need. On the flip side I've also had people tell me that they love my blog or when I say I'm working out it forces them to get up and do something. Bottom line is you shouldn't be ashamed to shout it from the rooftop if you are working out and changing your life. You will find many others that are in the same boat that you are and you will be able to build a support group. Having friends and family that know what your goals are and how dedicated you are can be the driving factor behind your success. So go ahead and tell everyone you know!

Tuesday Toner

30 min of cardio
*Running/walking, biking or elliptical

10 push ups
50 crunches
10 push ups
40 sec plank
10 push ups
30 crunches
10 push ups
20 sec plank

Repeat this cycle 2 times (more if you feel it)

The key to change is to let go of fear. XOOXOX

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