Tuesday, August 28, 2012

No money for a GYM ?

It’s a tough economy. If you can’t afford pricey gyms or equipment, then let's get a little creative here. Instead of dumbbells, how about jugs of water, canned goods, candlesticks, or books? Anything that you can grip firmly and securely and that weighs at least 3 to 5 pounds will work. Also, let's not forget the most obvious tool we have: our own body weight. Think old-school Jane Fonda ― yes, it's true that exercise has progressed leaps and bounds since she introduced her workout video in the early eighties, but some of that stuff was great for at-home workouts. Remember all those leg lifts she used to do? Not to mention the crunches, squats, lunges, wall squats, and those wide circular movements she did with her arms that made your shoulders feel like they were on fire. Lace those sneakers up and pound the pavement or run stairs at a nearby stadium, school, or in your apartment building or home. JM

Now is the time to eliminate ALL of the excuses that you have been using in the past to avoid working out and comfort yourself in staying the same. Everyone has the exact same amount of hours in a day and truth is some people are busier than us and some have nothing going on. If you want a healthy and active lifestyle you will make time for exercising. If your excuse is that you don't have the money for a pricey gym then you should know a few things:
 1. Its free to lace up your sneakers and run outside.
 2. Workout videos can be fairly cheap and last forever. (trade them with your friends monthly to keep it fresh)
 3. Buying 1 set of weights to keep at your house is less than $20.
 4. Doing an outdoor bootcamp with your friends can be free if you use your surroundings. Think pushups, lunges, sprints, jumping jacks and other body weight exercises. (having workout partners will only drive your success but, don't depend on them to much that you cant work out alone if something happens to your friend)
 5. Walking your dog, taking a walk with a friend and hiking are all free!!


So you see anyone can have the body they want with minimal expense or equipment. If you're still struggling you might be lacking the drive and that my friends is something you can't buy or get for free.

Wednesday workout

30 min cardio
*2 min jogging/1 min walking (repeat 10 times)

30 sec plank
50 jumping jacks
30 sec plank
50 jump rope
30 sec mountain climber
*repeat 4 times talking a 2 min break between each circuit

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