Sunday, February 17, 2013

I WORK OUT ......: FAST forward ...

I WORK OUT ......: FAST forward ...: So as many of you may know I started the "Daniel Fast" on Wednesday. I've been asked many questions about the fast followed by the response ...

FAST forward ...

So as many of you may know I started the "Daniel Fast" on Wednesday. I've been asked many questions about the fast followed by the response "Are you crazy?" or "What are you going to eat then?". So I decided to write a little blog about the meaning and definition for me. I heard about this fast for the first time though one of my girlfriends who is more motivated and dedicated to fitness and nutrition than I could ever imagine. If you know me you know that I'm a bit of an extremist in anything that I do and I'm usually down for a good challenge. The fast was explained over cocktails and mexican food but from what I remember it went a little like this. You start this Wednesday and it last for 40 days ending on Easter (length of lent, and no I'm not a practicing catholic nor was I ever). It is a fast that limits your eating to only foods that come from a seed (fruits, veggies, beans/legumes and nuts) and eliminates the rest of the foods your used to (meat, cheese, dairy, eggs, fried food, processed food, bread and anything else that is amazing). I was instantly intrigued to challenge myself to this way of living. I have been a pescatarian for the last 8 years and eating only seafood and limited dairy. Along with this fast you are only supposed to drink water which we decided to alter to include tea and coffee as well and very limited alcohol (1 time a week). I took that following Monday and Tuesday to consume all the foods that I wanted to that wouldn't be allowed for the next 40 days. Needless to say that by the time wednesday rolled around I was in dire need of a cleanse and new routine. I embraced all the changes and have been doing quite well and it's surprisingly easier that I thought. I know that it hasn't even been a week yet but I feel like I could do this forever. I've never felt so healthy and strong on the inside and not getting stomach pains associated with my previous diet is a big plus. I know that some people may think that this "fast" is a little too extreme but for me I want to see how mentally and physically tough my body is and what changes endure and the outcomes it can produce. I've already noticed significant weight loss and an increased amount of energy. I think that everyone has there things and dare I say that this might be mine. I think that it is so important with the rate of obesity nearly double every year and the possibility of being a generation that has our parents outliving their children,  that there is no better time than now to add more fruits, veggies and whole foods into our everyday lives. If you think that this is something that you might be interested in or even want to try out I urge you do it. Starting out slower by eating only "Daniel" approved foods and drink 1 day a week and then increasing it if you feel like you like it.

CHALLENGE yourself to be the BEST you

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Small changes ... BIG results

Okay, I know I don't need to tell you that exercise is absolutely crucial to getting and staying healthy. Still, I can't tell you how many people tell me that they aren't working out because they are afraid they'll look stupid, they fear trying something new or, well, any other number of things you can think of. These are fears you NEED to get over. Your attitude creates your reality, so it's crucial to have the right one. The power is in your mind, so if you have negative thoughts about your self-image, if you lack confidence, or if you feel hopeless that you'll ever lose weight, you're still at square one. If you constantly tell yourself you're not capable of working out, then you're always going to feel stupid…and eventually you'll give up. But if you harness your mental power with positive thoughts that you CAN do this, and WILL do this, guess what ― you will. JM

Heading to the gym for the first time can be very intimidating and scary. Most importantly you should have a game plan before you walk in. Start by putting your plan together wether it be cardio for 45 min or lifting weights. Start with what you know and add to it as the weeks go by, asking for help if you have any questions. If you're too scared to ask someone at the gym try googling the exercise in question and you will find many youtube videos to help you. All it takes is taking the first step into the gym to start the future you'e always wanted. If you are still intimidated to go at it alone try joining a fitness class at your gym, gaining friends and confidence will help you feel comfortable. This should be a lifestyle change and not looked at as a diet. Its never to late to start over and it sure as heck doesn't have to be the start of a new year to start. So get out there and change something today. XOOXO

REMEMBER ... small changes amount to BIG results