Monday, March 18, 2013

You can't have one without the other ....

When you're trying to lose weight, you can't change just your eating habits. You have to work out to maintain your muscle mass, too. This ensures that the calories you do consume go toward rebuilding and repairing your muscles. If you restrict calories without working out, once your diet is over, you're in big trouble. Your body is smart; it tries to think about long-term survival and wants to hold on to all the calories it can. When you starve yourself, you're making your body think it's going through a famine, so it does everything it can to conserve calories — including cannibalizing your muscles for fuel. Without those muscles, your metabolism is slower. Muscles are crucial to keeping that metabolism humming, so keep yours strong! JM

Starting today make a goal and stick with it. Think about you want to make happen in the next 30 days-60 days-90 days. Write them all down and focus on one at a time when you accomplish the first one it will give you the motivation you need to hit the next one. Remember that you can't have one without the other which means eating healthy and working out will feed off each other. Make a conscience effort to do both everyday. If you hate working out look for something else to keep you active. Take a walk after dinner to catch up on the days events. Try out a new workout video or play outside with the kids. Happy burning. Refocus and find your happy place.

Monday, March 4, 2013

When you don't like what you see... CHANGE IT! (Don't complain about it)

Just as you work to pay the mortgage or car payment, you should do your work in the gym to protect your most important asset — a healthy body. Can’t make it to the gym? Go for a run near home, work out with an exercise DVD, or do my circuits at home! Do whatever you can to get moving and burn major calories. Or do you know a friend, family member, or co-worker who also wants create a healthy lifestyle? Work together to help each other eat right, work out, and stay motivated. Taking the journey with friends, coworkers or anyone else who is trying to get a healthy or ripped bod like you. JM

Let's face it we all get busy and the first thing to go us usually the gym. By making it a priority and making yourself a priority you will find time to fit the little things in and feel more relaxed. When you workout and release those endorphins you immediately feel better and start to see things differently. Challenge yourself to adding 1-2 days a week then when you feel comfortable with that move up doing no more than 5 days weekly. Keep track of your mood and the feeling of accomplishment and hold on to that. Use that positive energy for the days it is tough to make it a priority. Schedule this time for yourself and remember to make it work for you. Sometimes what works for others doesn't work for us so plan accordingly. YOU are worth it.

50 jumping jacks
40 walking lunges
30 squats
20 sec plank
10 push ups

Repeat 3x

Feed your mind and the rest will follow ....

Having the right mental state is so important because thought is behavior — your mind is your strongest tool, and the way you think of yourself manifests as your reality. We all know how easily negative thoughts about ourselves can lead to poor self-image, lack of confidence, hopelessness, and depression. You've heard about self-fulfilling prophecy, right? Well, if you tell yourself that you'll always be fat or that you'll never find happiness, chances are you will always be fat and you won't ever be happy. But imagine what could be possible if you harnessed your mental power with positive thoughts. Nothing is impossible for the willing mind. JM

I can't tell you how true this is but if you change you'r thinking you will see for yourself. Having confidence in yourself will fuel your journey in this life style change. Life is about living and loving life but you will be able to enjoy life at its fullest if you are healthy inside and out. So the next time you are faced with a decision to go the same way you've always gone or to try a new path challenge yourself to be the new you. You are going to be faced with these decisions everyday and it's how you handle these challenges that will either make you successful or stay the same. When you start working out and get your mental state right and where it needs to be you will see the decisions will be easier. So challenge yourself to 30-45 minutes 3-4 times a week for the month of March.