Sunday, November 18, 2012

Being THANKFUL ... week 4 workouts

As Thanksgiving approaches and I start seeing everyone post about what they are truly thankful for I begin to think about all the things that we all have that we might take for granted. I'm talking about the normal everyday simple things that we might not always acknowledge. I'm thankful to have this strong,  healthy and limber body, to have the ability to walk, breathe and see. There are so many things that we can be thankful for and I think that we owe it to ourselves to take care of this body, this temple, this vessel that we've been given. I know that sometimes with the pressures of life its hard to get out there and commit time to exercising or eating healthy but even if you just take a 30 min walk around the neighborhood you are strengthening your body. There are many people that aren't able to walk, to see or to even breathe who would love to be able to have that ability so for me that is my driving force. I will run every step, see everything and be thankful for every breath in their honor. FOREVER THANKFUL <3


30 min cardio

30 jumping jacks
30 squats
30 walking lunges
30 skaters
30 donkey kicks
*repeat this 3 times

*Skater: Stand with your feet together. Step out to the side and bring your opposite foot behind you, tapping toes to the floor arms follow. Think about looking like an ice skater.
*Donkey Kicks: Start on all fours, kick right leg up and back then switch.


50 jumprope
15 push ups
50 mountain climber
15 tricep extentision
2x 25sec plank
15 lateral raises
*repeat circuit 3 times

*Tricep extension: Start with arms above head together holding a weight, slowly lower then extend back up to starting position.
*Lateral Raises; Start with arms down to your side with weights in hand, lift arms straight out to the sides mimicking a T.

Be thankful for all you have because life is to short not to be. XOOXOOXOX

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

when REST is needed ...

So after being sick since Friday I thought it would be the perfect time to blog about working out while sick. There's been much research done on the topic both for the pros and cons of working up a sweat while sick but, it all depends on how you feel. Staying healthy is the main thing and not ending up more sick should be the main focus. 

safe to exercise at low intensity levels
Runny nose
Scratchy throat

Recommended to take 5-7 days off 
Dry cough
Sore muscles

I know that sometimes you might not want to take the time away format the gym especially if you are in a groove but trust me its for the best. So here's to a healthy holiday season and I'll be posting next weeks workouts soon :) 

Becca's take on the last few weeks

Support System is Key!

It has been four weeks since I started this journey and I could not have done any of this with out the AMAZING support from Michelle. I think it is so important to find someone who celebrates in your victories and picks you up in your defeats. I am accountable to myself and the results I want to achieve but I also feel accountable to Michelle because she is in my corner. I push myself harder because I see that through her support I can do it. I think this has been key to my small successes thus far. I think that since we are so close to Thanksgiving I wanted to say “Thank you!” to Michelle she is amazing and supportive and I can not begin to explain what she has done for me in terms of my Confidence and Ability. Because of her continuous support I am able to get up every morning and push myself harder than I ever imagined I could. THANK YOU! <3 data-blogger-escaped-br="br">


Sunday, November 4, 2012

Week 3 workouts

It's been a few weeks since I've started posting the workouts so this week we will be kicking it up a few notches. Hope your ready to burn calories and tone up.


50 Jumping jacks
15 Push ups
12 Burpees (start in standing position... squat down with hands on the ground... kick legs back to be in the plank position... bring feet back to hands in squat position and jump straight up.)
50 Bicycle crunches (crunch position with hands behind your alternating elbow to alternating knee)
50 Bicep curls (25 each arm)
1min Plank (Push up position lower to your elbows and stay... keep abs tight and butt low)
*Repeat this cycle 3-5 times (the more the better) with 1 min rest between cycles.


1min Mountain Climbers (start on ground keep hands on ground and bring knees to chest as fast as you can)
50 Walking lunges
25 Squats
10 Jump Squats (starting in squat position.... squat down... Jump up as high as you can and land in squat position)
25 Calve raises on each side (stand on tippy toes..lower and go back up to toes)
50 Toe touch crunches (legs straight up laying on back and reach for your toes lifting your shoulders off the ground)
*Repeat this cycle 3-5 times with 1 minute rest between set

I tried to explain some of the exercises this week and hope that they are easy to understand. Happy Burning!! Have a wonderful healthy week XOOXOXO.

You'll always get out what you put in.. so put 100% in !

Pieces to the puzzle ....

The last piece of the puzzle:

I finally hit my lightbulb moment this morning. While I am used to eating healthy, waking up early to go to the gym. While I am making small progress in my shape and strength I realized I need to make a dramatic change to get the results I am looking for. I have decided to commit to not drinking until November 23rd. I want to see how this small change will impact my progress. I am making this commitment for me. I know it is going to be a challenge but I am really excited to challenge myself this next month. I have found that when I drink I make poor diet choices and I am tired of simply maintaining. I want results and I owe that to myself! I am so excited to see what the next few weeks hold for me!


Loving Becca's honesty and I know a lot of us can feel like this from time to time. If you haven't already done so, it's definitely time to kill the all-or-nothing attitude. One great way to do that is to get real regarding setbacks. We are all bound to have lapses on the road to health and wellness, so it's critical that we learn how to handle small failures positively, to minimize their long-term destructive effects. One setback is one setback -- it's not the end of the world, nor is it the end of your journey toward a better you!

A bend in the road isn't the end of the road unless you fail to turn. XOXOX