Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Lacking motivation.....

There are 151 days until the first day of summer which will include bikinis and pool time. It's so hard to stay motivated during the winter months with the sun setting earlier and earlier. I've tried to get re energized and re focused many times this winter and so far this time it seems to be working. I've got crossfit on my side and my husband for a partner in the gym. We push each other everyday to work harder and complete our daily workouts it's a silent competition for me. I think that part of re focusing is reminding yourself what you're doing this for and many of us have many different reasons. My main focus is to get as healthy and as fit as I can before having a baby. I want to be in the best shape to carry a baby and I want to do my part. If your reason is for you then thats all that matters and you should be enough to keep yourself going. During the winter it's so hard to find the time and energy to go to the gym especially after you get home and it's dark out. So challenge yourself to do 30 min of some exercise in your house.

30 crunches
20 push ups
10 squats

(do as many sets as you can in 30 min)

Lets get ready for summer!!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Coming clean and starting over .... AGAIN

So I feel like I've been preaching and preaching about eating right and not losing focus but, the truth of the matter is I struggle with this often. Everyday challenges include driving past Starbucks to get to work, Pita Pit delivery of possibly the best breakfast in STL, and the fresh hot fries at work. I'm constantly faced with these challenges and I fail quite often. The buffalo shrimp are my weakness and the fries with cheese are a must. I've given up fried food before and I thought that I could limit myself to one day a week thus fried food friday was born (Thanks, April Miller). This quickly turned into a few days a week which turned into what is a salad ? I feel like I've totally lost control of my cravings and my ability to say no to the fried temptations. So I'm challenging myself to another year without fried food. I've done this before with great success so it's only fitting that I try it again. I like to post my workouts and progress to keep myself in check and let other people know that may be struggling with the same thing that they are not alone. So please join me in the year long challenge to give up something that might have control over you and your ability to say no.

Turn every set back into a COMEBACK !

XOXOOX Happy Losing :)

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

First step is the hardest ....

Becca and I decided that we would start the Jillian Micheals "Making the Cut" 30 day training program. Tonight was the first night of the circuit training, I've completed this once before with amazing results. We decided that we will post the work outs on here and you can do them if you choose. If you have any questions about form or technique for any of the moves you should be able to find them on her website. Tonight definitely kicked our butts and if done correctly should only take you 45 min using the rule of 45 sec rest between circuits. Heres tonights workout ....

Circuit 1
Dumbbell press on body ball with weights 10x
Dumbbell fly with cunch on ball 1/2 the weight of press 15x
Squats (no weight) 50x
1 min sprint at 7mph

Circuit 2
Plank 10sec
Close grip push up 5x
Side plank with thigh raise 10x each side
Plank 5sec
Close grip push up 5x
Side plank with thigh raise 10x each side
Plank 5sec
Burpies 10x
Sumo squat 50x
1 min sprint at 7 mph

Circuit 3
Frog push up 20x
Squat thrust 20x hold last one for 30sec
W shoulder press with leg extension 10x each leg
1 min Jump rope

Circuit 4
Bench dip 20x
Rope tri-cep press until muscle fail
Static lunge with shoulder raise 10x
1 min Mountain climber
Boat pose 30 sec

Circuit 5
1 min Jump rope
Bicycle crunch 50x
Extended plank 30sec

Happy Burning ! Let me know what you think if you try this out :)