Thursday, September 27, 2012

Stop putting it off and start taking it off... the weight that is.

I've heard so much in the past few weeks "I don't know where to start" or "I don't have a gym". I'm here to tell you that you should stop putting it off and just get out there and do something. When you're starting out it's ok to start off small with shorter workouts don't get to overzealous doing a 2 hour workout for the first time. Chances are if you start out to strong you will tire more quickly and be to sore the next day to workout for a few days. So if you're looking for a quick easy way to get started try this little workout. Doing this workout through your day whenever you have the time or set aside 30 min a day and see how many times you can repeat it. Aim for 3-4 days a week.

50 jumping jacks
5 push ups
20 crunches
20 mountain climbers
30 second plank

This workout is so quick and effective you could fit this in almost anywhere throughout your day. Try doing once when you wake up, another set before the shower and 2 before bed. It's so quick it wont feel like a workout but the more you do it the more results you're going to see and you don't have to dedicate 2 hours to the gym.

Don't be mad at the results that you didn't get with the workout you didn't do.

Happy Thursday XOOXOXOX

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Only YOU can do it!

I've heard it so many times before "I wish that I had someone to workout with" or "I wish we lived closer so that we could work out together". While I love hearing all of this it's so important that you hold yourself accountable and you know that you can do it alone. It's so easy to be dependent on others to meet you at the gym and power you through the workout but, what do you do when your forced to do it alone? Truth is that we are only in control of ourselves and what we do and I don't know about you but I'm not willing to say "I don't have the body I want because my buddy didn't want to workout".  Having a workout partner will definitely help you along the way and make success that much sweeter but don't depend on that to do the work for you. So the next time that you are faced with a situation leaving you at the gym alone I challenge you to kick it up a notch and workout for the both of you. Stop holding yourself back and start sprinting toward your goal right NOW.

Todays workout:

30 min Cardio

25 walking lunges
20 squats
15 calve raises
+Repeat this circuit 3 times with 30 sec rest between

Courage doesn't always ROAR. Sometimes it the quiet voice at the end of the day that says "I will do better tomorrow".

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


If you have a bad back or knees, in addition to strength training, try adding cardio that's easy on your joints but can still get your heart rate up. While I can't speak to your specific situation, consider low-impact forms of cardio such as swimming, recumbent biking, rowing, cross-country skiing, walking, and shadow boxing with light weights in each hand. JM

I've said it before and I'll say it again I LOVE CARDIO! I can't tell you enough about the great benefits of cardio. This is a great workout that you can really do anywhere and don't have to have a pricey gym to get your cardio in. If you are just starting out and intimidated by lifting weights or lack of knowledge about the equipment cardio can help you get more comfortable with the gym setting. Even if you can't get your strength training in getting some cardio in will give you the satisfaction of sweating it out. Make sure that you add cardio to your routine and keep up the hard work with your weight trainng.

45 min of cardio

15 push ups
25 jumping jacks
50 crunches
*repeat 5 times with 1 min rest between

Run... because someday you wont be able to <3

Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor day workout .... No stopping now

Just as you work to pay the mortgage or car payment, you should do your work in the gym to protect your most important asset — a healthy body. Can’t make it to the gym? Go for a run near home, work out with an exercise DVD, or do my circuits at home! Do whatever you can to get moving and burn major calories. Or do you know a friend, family member, or co-worker who also wants create a healthy lifestyle? Work together to help each other eat right, work out, and stay motivated. Taking the journey with friends, coworkers or anyone else who is trying to get a healthy or ripped bod like you. JM

Taking a few days off is good for your body and your muscles. Making sure that you hold yourself accountable on days that aren't your typical days are the days that are going to matter most. Even though today is Labor Day and you are off work it doesn't mean that your workout should be. Some of my best workouts are done right before a holiday celebration. When you workout before the party you'll feel more inclined to eat healthy and make better decisions because you don't want to lose what you worked for this morning. I challenge you to get out there and workout today before the parties start. Don't set your mind to the thinking that you will start back up tomorrow and today is a free day. Working out should be something you look forward to and want to do. If it were easy everyone would be doing it all the time. Challenege yourself to be better and get further. So today find something you like to do for your workout whether it be running, walking or lifting weights just DO SOMETHING.

Happy Labor Day

Its definitely NOT easy but it will be worth it <3