Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Adjust your focus and re-set your goals

    It's always important to be honest with yourself about how much your relationships are really affecting your attempts to lead a healthier life. Many people blame their partner, for example, when they themselves should take on more responsibility. It's easy to blame someone else when you don't make it to the gym in the morning, but is it really that person's fault? If you have a clear goal, your motivation and determination must come from within ― not from an outside source. The support of your loved ones is invaluable, but those who always lean on someone else to motivate them will never succeed.
    Setting goals is essential for living the life of your dreams. I mean, how are you going to get anywhere in this life if you don't identify your destination? Think of your ultimate goals as destinations, and your short- and long-term goals as road maps to the life you want to live. The path to get there may not be the smoothest or shortest, but it will make arriving at your end destination even that much sweeter. After all, life truly is about the journey and you should never be afraid to be 100 percent yourself. JM

You have the power to be where you want to be..... Do you have the determination ?

2 for Tuesday

25 jumping jacks
12 push ups
12 tricep dips
12 Bench press
12 Bicep curls (each arm)

50 Bicycyle
25 Crunches
15 Mountain Climber
30 sec Plank

Repeat this 2 times

Cardio for 30 min

If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not people or things <3 XOXOXOX

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