Wednesday, June 6, 2012

QUIT the habit that's killing you

Many people keep smoking because they're afraid they will gain weight if they stop. Here's a news flash: It's not the quitting that makes people gain weight ― it's the extra snacking they do to replace the habit and ritual of smoking. To prevent this extra eating, have a plan in place for when you have cravings ― instead of eating to cope with them, do something productive. Call a friend or find someone to vent to. You CAN beat your smoking habit, and you SHOULD.
One of the reasons people find it tough to quit smoking is that the habit becomes a comforting ritual ― an excuse to take a break from the hectic day. Just because you're quitting doesn't mean you have to stop taking time out for yourself. At work, get away from your desk a few times a day, even if it's just for a walk around the block. At home, use the time you would spend smoking to do something you enjoy, like reading a few pages of a book or chatting on the phone with a friend. You might be surprised when you realize how much time those smoke breaks were sucking out of your day ― and how many better things there are to do!
It's always a tough battle committing to quitting but set a goal and stay focused. Make sure you keep your goal about you and it's for your health do it for you and not because someone told you to. Take it one step at a time and overtime it will get easier. When you pick up a good habit like working out you'll find that you want to get rid of all the bad habits so here's your chance. Put out that cigarette and start walking every time you get the urge.

Harsh truth: If we lose the battle against tobacco, we will lose the war against cancer.

Wednesday workout 
20 min cardio 

30 sec Mountain climber 
25 Jumping jacks
10 Jump squats 
20 Walking lunges 

Repeat circuit 3 times

If you have a question or topic suggestion let me know :)

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