Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Building your future .... muscles

I see many gym-goers lifting the same weights week after week — this is just one way to keep your body from changing. So how do you figure out how much to lift if you don't know your 1-rep max? Here's what I suggest, especially if you're a beginner: 1) Choose a weight you can only lift with good form for 12 to 16 reps (which constitutes 1 set). You don't need to go into complete muscle failure, but make sure you're challenging your body. 2) Begin with 1 set of each exercise, slowly working your way up to 2 to 3 sets (adding a set each week). 3) When you've added sets and have a solid foundation (after 6 to 8 weeks), add enough weight so that you can ONLY do 8 to 12 reps. 4) Continue to progress by adding a rep each week until you reach the max reps (no more than 16); then increase your weight again and drop your reps back down to 8 to 12. JM

I used to be scared of doing weights for the fear of getting BIG. Recently I started working out with my husband and lifting weights. I've noticed a difference in the way my muscles look and the way my body is burning fat. I've forever been a runner who didn't focus much on weights or lifting but, truth is that you need to build the muscles as well as doing cardio. Investing in your future is as simple as buying some weights to use at home to build your muscle. You don't have to have a huge gym or expensive weights just the cheap ones will do. Start small and then climb ... buy 1 or 2 sets to start with maybe 10lb and 15lb. Making sure that you can do the excises and not compromise the form.

Happy lifting


30 min Cardio

30 walking lunges
20 squats
50 jumping jacks
 *repeat cycle 3 times


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