Monday, April 30, 2012


Many of us use food for celebration but today is the day to rethink the decision that might be sabotaging your weight loss. I saw this fitness tip one time that said put $1 in a jar everyday that you work out and at the end of the month go do something for yourself whether it's a mani/pedi or a new pair of workout pants. You deserve to be rewarded for all the hard work and time that you've been putting in but make sure that it's not with food. This is the beginning of week 3 and I'm wondering how everyone is doing with this plan ?? Leave me your questions, comments and any advice to make this blog better.

Today's work out 

50 jumping jacks 
25 squats 
50 lunges (alternating legs) 
25 burpees 
50 crunches 
10 push ups 
30 seconds plank 
30 sec rest 
* repeat 3 times* 

Burpees: One of the most effective full-body exercises around, this one starts out in a low squat position with hands on the floor. Next, kick the feet back to a push-up position, complete one push-up, then immediately return the feet to the squat position. Leap up as high as possible before squatting and moving back into the push-up portion of the show.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

PRIDE ....and practice

After the run yesterday I realized that you must have pride in everything you do even if you're not the best at. I was so proud to be a part of such an amazingly strong group of friends yesterday that taught me so much. Some of which are hard core runners and others just running for the first time and completing a 5K. It takes a lot of courage for someone to take on a challenge to do something that they have never done before. There are so many times that people say "I'm not a runner" or "I cant do it" and the truth is YOU CAN! If you just have a little faith in yourself and try. You may not be the fastest but if you complete the challenge you should take pride in it. That being said I'm so proud of my friends Diana and Melissa for running their first ever 5K and doing it in a great time. If you practice taking pride in taking risk you will find that you can do so much more than you thought. So the challenge today is to get out there and do something you haven't done before. Whether it is running or completing a class that you have been scared to try before.

Progress always involves risks.  You can't steal second base and keep your foot on first. XOOXOXOOX

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Inspiration .....

This morning I will be running in a 5K for the Friends of Kids With Cancer. I'm reminded on a daily basis of the importance of the relationship that Robby Chandler played in my life. I know that a lot of people draw inspiration from different things and people. For those of you who don't know who Robby is I will tell you. We first met in November of 2011 when I got a phone call at Hooters from a woman whose daughter was in the St. Louis Children's Hospital fighting Leukemia. Lori was her name and she said that there was a little boy in the room next to her daughter that also had Leukemia and wasn't doing so well. She also said that night before had been a rough night for him and she had overheard his family talking about how he had been wanting some Hooters wings.  Lori asked me if there was anything that we could do for him and his family. I immediately said I would love to come by and that I was in the calendar and would love to bring one by along with some food. I got her information and set up the visit which would happen right after I left work that day. I could barely work that morning I was so looking forward to seeing this little boy that I had never met before. I rushed out of work and over to hospital to meet him and after making my way through the security process I was finally in his room. We met and talked for quite some time and became boyfriend and girlfriend. He invited me down to the cafeteria to see the christmas lights that they had just started putting up. I happily walked down with him and his family as he was in a wheelchair at this point and had to wear a mask. We sat down at a table in the cafeteria and talked while his nurses told me stories and his mom chimed in with details that were left out. I could have spent days and weeks with them listening to all the stories. When my visit was coming to an end we talked about how we would keep in contact and he told me he had a Facebook. I pulled out a piece of paper and began writing down the info for him to find me. The nurse said to Robby "guess what her last name is ??" He looked around and shrugged his shoulders. Come to find out my married last name and his last name were the same. Which sparked another conversation about families and where we came from so on and so forth. Robby's dads name was Robert Chandler and that was where Robby got his name from. His family lives in a neighboring town and he is 8 years old and has been battling Leukemia for the majority of his life. I immediately was interested in all the details and was so eager to know everything but, I had to leave to pick up my husband from the airport. I made plans to come back a few days later and made my way to the garage and rushed to the airport. On the way there I called all of my sister in laws and told them this whole story from beginning and I called him my angel. You see my husband and his family lost a baby boy at the age of 8 from brain cancer. Ironically his moms name was Lori Chandler and her fathers name was Robert Chandler. I felt that their were so many things in common that I believe he was brought into my life for a reason. After talking to my sisters and crying I finally made my way to the airport and told my husband everything. I literally couldn't stop talking about this kid and the similarities, I think that all of my regulars heard me tell the story a million times for the next few days that followed our meeting. I went back to see him many times throughout the next few months that followed. Sometimes he would be awake and others he would just sleep. I talked to his parents and grandparents as the shared many stories of their little angel. I would sit with him for hours on end and often lose track of time while we talked and looked through pictures. I visited with him on new years and made sure to give him a new years kiss or maybe a few.  As the days went by and our conversations grew I learned of all these charities that had made so many things possible for the Chandler's. I was so interested in helping and doing anything that I could to help wherever I could. They gave me some names and charities to check into and I made sure to get all the information that I could. I filled out all the volunteer information and started helping almost immediately with the Leukemia Society's annual visit to SLCH. Throughout the next few months Robby's health was declining fast and it was hard to see. Robby lost his battle to Leukemia on his ninth birthday which was a very hard day for anyone that knew him. As the days passed before his funeral I began to think about what he had meant to me. Our relationship was far too short and Im sure that I could have learned much more from him and his family. The one word that comes to mind when I think Robby Chandler is FEARLESS. Which is why I got my tattoo "RC FEARLESS" I want to always be fearless with anything that I'm faced with in life. You can find inspiration in anything that you are open to and my inspiration is Robby. I run because I know that there is someone somewhere that wishes they could feel their feet hitting that pavement and is unable to. Robby was a fighter and would never give up he would fight through the treatment with a smile on his face. You see if you find inspiration in your life the determination and drive come naturally. I'm thankful everyday for the days that Robby and I got to spend together and will always hold him close to my heart. Today I'm running in the 5K for Friends of Kids With Cancer with Robby's picture safety pinned to my shirt. Thank you for everything you have taught me about dedication, strength and determination. You are my inspiration .......

Oh and todays work out will be your choice of 45 min of cardio.

Friday, April 27, 2012

You put in the work and you will see the results !

I think that that statement is so true and you will see the results that you desire if you put in the work. So this weekend stay focus and remember that if you are going to have a cheat meal that is only 1 meal. Often we lose control on the weekends with the crazy schedules and all the events of a busy weekend this can be the downfall of many of our attempts to lose. The best way to not fall victim to the weekend monster is to be prepared. Have pre portioned snacks that are easy to access so that anytime you are feeling the need to eat you have a healthy choice within an arms reach. Another fun fact..... Flat abs are made in the kitchen. What you put in is what you get out. Put in healthy whole foods you will get toned and defined abs. Stay focused and keep moving.


50 Crunches
30 sec plank
5 Burpees
50 Bicycle
30 Russian twist
* 1 minute rest *

Repeat 2-3 times

Burpees: One of the most effective full-body exercises around, this one starts out in a low squat position with hands on the floor. Next, kick the feet back to a push-up position, complete one push-up, then immediately return the feet to the squat position. Leap up as high as possible before squatting and moving back into the push-up portion of the show.

Bicycle: Lie down with knees bent and hands behind the head. With the knees in toward the chest, bring the right elbow towards the left knee as the right leg straightens. Continue alternating sides (like you'r pedaling!). Just keep the helmet in the closet

Russian Twist: Sit on the floor with knees bent and feet together, lifted a few inches off the floor. With the back at a 45-degree angle from the ground, move the arms from one side to another in a twisting motion. Here, slow and steady wins the race: The slower the twist, the deeper the burn.



Thursday, April 26, 2012

Whatever works

There are so many tips and tricks that you will pick up though your journey. The thing to remember is that  none are more right or wrong than others but, its all about doing what works for you. I love running outside but, the other day when I was on the treadmill I could only complete 1 mile. You do what works for you so I jumped off the treadmill and ran 3miles outside around the gym. I apply this same type of thinking to any weight loss and exercise tips. You try what you want and stick with what works for you and you will have success. So todays workout is whatever works if you like doing circuits repeat one of the previous but if you like cardio do an 30 cardio workout. I hope you all have a wonderful day and don't be afraid to try new things. XOXOOX

You never know until you try.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I WORK OUT ......: Do it for YOU!!!

I WORK OUT ......: Do it for YOU!!!: Lately I've been thinking about the weight loss journey and the toll that it can take on an individual. It can be very overwhelming at first...

Do it for YOU!!!

Lately I've been thinking about the weight loss journey and the toll that it can take on an individual. It can be very overwhelming at first and seem like its a losing battle. The thing to remember is that if you started the journey that is the first step to success. I always tell people that success isn't measured by the number on the scale but the way you feel. That feeling that you get after you finish an amazing workout the feeling of accomplishment and pride. That feeling will forever outweigh the feeling after dominating an entire batch of piping hot chocolate chip cookies. Its most important that when you start this journey and all the time that you are going though it you remember who you are doing it for and that person is YOU. We should never give anyone the ability to make us feel uncomfortable or insecure in our own skin its time to take your self pity and throw it out the window. Every single woman has a STRONG, POWERFUL and CONFIDENT person inside. Its up to you which side that you show people.  

On another note I was reading Jillian Micheal's page yesterday and came across something that I really liked. 

Weight loss tip - So many people come up to me and tell me they can’t lose weight and yet, I haven’t ever met a person I can’t take weight off. You're not counting calories. Forget all the fad diets for a moment and just focus on the basics. Weight loss will always require burning more calories than you take in. Calories in versus calories out. If you're trying to lose weight I recommend 1200 cals a day for a woman & 1400 cals a day for a man. Only exception is green veggies. Eat as many greens as you want, but make sure they aren’t cooked in a fattening sauce. Don’t get hamstrung by fads like avoiding carbs or grains, going raw, and so on. It’s perfectly healthy to eat carbs, fat, and protein as long as they are not overly processed and loaded with chemicals like trans fats, artificial sweeteners, flavors and colors, hfcs, and so on. Eat real food with calorie control and you can’t go wrong.   - Jillian

Todays workout 

50 times jumprope (fake one if you don't have one)
40 lunges 
30 jumping jacks 
20 squats 
10 push ups 
30 seconds in plank position 
30 seconds rest 
* repeat cycle 3 times *

Remember to stretch and drink lots of water throughout the day.

If you don't go after what you want, You'll never have it.
If you don't ask, the answer is always no.
If you don't step forward, you're always in the same place.


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Toned Tuesday


Hope you all had a wonderful and healthy day yesterday. Today's workout is CARDIO!! Pick your favorite kind of cardio and do it for an hour. If you don't have an hour all once you can break it into 2 sessions of 30 minutes. If you worked out for an hour a day that is only 4% of your entire day. Anyone can do anything for 1 hour and getting your heart rate up for that long at once with kick up your metabolism. I'd love to know how long you've been following the plan and if there are any changes yet.


Monday, April 23, 2012

Motivating Monday

This morning  when you wake up you have the choice to make this a healthy day regardless of what you did this weekend. If you choose to be healthy here is the workout that will motivate you.

25 jumping jacks
25 squats
25 jumping jacks
25 pushups
* rest for 30 seconds*

Repeat this cycle 5 times for the card kick that you need this morning after a fun weekend.

  Also, I read this get skinny tip in Shape magazine this weekend. It says that you can have 200 free calories today and everyday. This is to help you from binging on a high calorie treat. You get to eat 200 calories of anything that you want and can roll over unused calories for up to 3 days. I think this is a great and guilt free tip to staying fit and fabulous.

Consult not your fears but your hopes and dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do.

ANYTHING is possible with hard work and dedication. XOXOXOXO

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sunday funday

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and a nice relaxing Sunday. Remember anything worth having is worth sweating for. Falling of the wagon for the weekend isn't the end of the world. Each day is a new day and new opportunity for success.

"Something in human nature causes us to start slacking off at our moment of greatest accomplishment. As you become successful, you will need a great deal of self-discipline not to lose your sense of balance, humility and commitment" XOXOXOOXOX

Saturday, April 21, 2012


To many times I hear people say "its the weekend time to cheat". While I do like to indulge a little on the weekend it is important to stay focused on your goal. You don't want to start completely over again on Monday. Instead give yourself 1 meal to eat a little less strict then you normally do. It is good to shock the metabolism and keep it guessing. It will have to work harder to digest and burn the higher calorie food that when you go back to healthy food it will be a nice and easy process. You also need to take rest days seriously and on this plan we will be taking saturday and sunday off. So todays's workout is REST. This is one of the most important days in any workout plan you have to give your muscle time to repair. So today take it easy and take pride in all the calories you burned this week. If you feel like you have to do something try taking a walk with someone or go to the park. You can still be active without putting in 110%. Im so happy to be writing this blog and have something to look forward to writing in the morning. 

a strong outside strengthens the inside XOXOXOX

Friday, April 20, 2012


Frisky Friday workout

50 crunches 
40 jumping jacks 
30 squats 
20 lunges 
10 push ups
30 seconds rest 
*repeat cycle 5 times*

Last night as I was sitting in line to get a mani/pedi I couldn't help but overhear the conversation of two women that were sitting next to me. Both of which were trying to lose weight and they were talking about their accomplishments and the struggles that come along with the weight lose journey. They talked for some time then started flipping though some of the tabloid magazines that were in the lobby, they immediately pointed out the girls that were too skinny or too overweight. I'm listening to them and then it clicked WE ALL WANT WHAT WE DONT HAVE.  By this I mean every women has something they would love to change about themselves and often the things we don't like overrule the things that we love.
 We are always wanting to change something and often focus our attention on the areas of weakness. Why cant we just focus on the good ? So the next time you're saying to yourself or anyone who will listen (as I seem to do a lot) "Man, I wish my legs were thiner or my butt smaller" change your tone to "Im so proud to have these legs!". They have put in some major miles and without them I wouldn't be able to compete in races every weekend. Who cares if you don't look like you used to there is no need to live in the past. So from now on move forward and focus on all your body has been though and all you've done in this body. You wont look the same after kids but my lord you carried a child for 9 months and have something to be proud of for the rest of your life. As women we find it easy to sometimes focus on the negative. Today I challenge you to find the things you love about yourself. Write them on post-it's and stick them everywhere! Secondly, I want you to go out there and tell the women in your life what you admire about their physique. Stop staring in the rearview and start your new life today.


Thursday, April 19, 2012

Anything is better than NOTHING ...

This is day #4 of my blog and workouts so if you've been doing them all you may be a little sore. Today's focus is going to be low intensity stability work. Lots of concentrated moves and focus on large muscle groups.

Thirsty Thursday

30 sec Wall sit
30 sec Rest
30 sec Plank
30 sec Rest
1 min crunches
30 sec Rest

Repeat this circuit 4 times through and this work out should take less the 20 minutes but make it count. Its all about form and concentration.

It's only after we've lost everything that we are free to do anything....... so lose all your doubts about working out or the way you think that fitness should work and you can do anything. Today you will clear your mind and find out how mentally tough you are. You can push yourself to do anything so go ahead and LOSE it.

Live a life of love and love the life you live.

Let me know some of the goals that you've set for yourself.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Stop making excuses and start making GOALS.

We all love to have a goal to work toward that pushes us and keeps us going. So today set a goal for your yourself whether it's running/walking a 5K or lifting more weight. For some reason it seems when you have something to work for you are less likely to give up. So challenge yourself and set your goal high. Nothing is out of reach.

Wednesday workout

50 jumping jacks
40 lunges
30 crunches
20 squats
10 sec planks
* 30 seconds rest *

Do this circuit 5 times through.

Plank: Lie face down with forearms on the floor and hands clasped. Extend the legs behind the body and rise up on the toes. Keeping the back straight, tighten the core and hold the position for 30-60 seconds (or as long as you can hang).

If you've been doing this the last 3 days or one I hope it's helping and motivating you. My goal through this blog is to help people who want instruction and inspiration within the work out circle. Also, I wanted to also share with you some of the charity work that Im doing through various groups. The volunteering ranges anywhere from computer work to running in a race. There will be a 5K run/1 mile walk for "Friends of Kids With Cancer" April 28, 2012. If any of you want to run, walk or volunteer check out the website click on events. It's such a great charity and such an awesome way to give back. Hope to see you XOOXO

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

a bend in the road isn't the end of the road, unless you fail to turn

Todays focus is cardio.

If your just starting out try for 20 minutes of continuous card. If you've been working out for a bit than try for 30-45 min of continuous cardio. This cardio is your choice you can run, bike, walk, swim or anything else that is considered cardio.

There are going to be days when you may not complete your workout or you may not eat the way you think you should. The thing to remember is everyday is a new day and you start with a clean slate. So if you slip one day make the next one count. Don't beat yourself up because life is to short to look back. So focus on your goal.

Hope everyone has a wonderful tuesday and get your cardio on.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Tired of starting over ?? STOP giving up !!!

This is the first workout for this blog so if you try it please leave a comment and let me know how you like and what you would change. Its all about calories in vs calories out whether your trying to lose weight or trying to maintain. When counting calories please know that cutting carbs is not the way to cut them. Your body needs carbs to live off so look for the right carbs. The whole wheat and whole grain try to steer clear of the white and refined carbs.

Todays workout Im naming MANIAC MONDAY and it should be done 5 times through. 

50 jumping jacks 
40 squats
30 lunges
20 jumping jacks 
10 pushups 
* 30 sec rest * 

Repeat for 5 sets 

Make sure you drink lots of water throughout the day. Use a reusable container and aim to fill it up 10 times throughout the day. If you find that water is to boring for you try adding lemon or cucumber.


Sunday, April 15, 2012

the beginning ....


So I just decided to start this blog to share some tips and everyday workouts for the girls that ask me for help. I started with just texting the workouts to many of you at the beginning of each morning with some motivational words. I think that over time this may prove to be easier and more helpful. These workouts are things that can be done in your own home or outside. They will all be self explanatory and you'll be able to alter the amount of reps/time to fit your own personal fitness level. We will all be able to share our stories, tips and tricks and ask questions this way. I hope that this is an inspirational and motivational blog for all of you too read. Lots of love and happy calorie burning.