Saturday, April 28, 2012

Inspiration .....

This morning I will be running in a 5K for the Friends of Kids With Cancer. I'm reminded on a daily basis of the importance of the relationship that Robby Chandler played in my life. I know that a lot of people draw inspiration from different things and people. For those of you who don't know who Robby is I will tell you. We first met in November of 2011 when I got a phone call at Hooters from a woman whose daughter was in the St. Louis Children's Hospital fighting Leukemia. Lori was her name and she said that there was a little boy in the room next to her daughter that also had Leukemia and wasn't doing so well. She also said that night before had been a rough night for him and she had overheard his family talking about how he had been wanting some Hooters wings.  Lori asked me if there was anything that we could do for him and his family. I immediately said I would love to come by and that I was in the calendar and would love to bring one by along with some food. I got her information and set up the visit which would happen right after I left work that day. I could barely work that morning I was so looking forward to seeing this little boy that I had never met before. I rushed out of work and over to hospital to meet him and after making my way through the security process I was finally in his room. We met and talked for quite some time and became boyfriend and girlfriend. He invited me down to the cafeteria to see the christmas lights that they had just started putting up. I happily walked down with him and his family as he was in a wheelchair at this point and had to wear a mask. We sat down at a table in the cafeteria and talked while his nurses told me stories and his mom chimed in with details that were left out. I could have spent days and weeks with them listening to all the stories. When my visit was coming to an end we talked about how we would keep in contact and he told me he had a Facebook. I pulled out a piece of paper and began writing down the info for him to find me. The nurse said to Robby "guess what her last name is ??" He looked around and shrugged his shoulders. Come to find out my married last name and his last name were the same. Which sparked another conversation about families and where we came from so on and so forth. Robby's dads name was Robert Chandler and that was where Robby got his name from. His family lives in a neighboring town and he is 8 years old and has been battling Leukemia for the majority of his life. I immediately was interested in all the details and was so eager to know everything but, I had to leave to pick up my husband from the airport. I made plans to come back a few days later and made my way to the garage and rushed to the airport. On the way there I called all of my sister in laws and told them this whole story from beginning and I called him my angel. You see my husband and his family lost a baby boy at the age of 8 from brain cancer. Ironically his moms name was Lori Chandler and her fathers name was Robert Chandler. I felt that their were so many things in common that I believe he was brought into my life for a reason. After talking to my sisters and crying I finally made my way to the airport and told my husband everything. I literally couldn't stop talking about this kid and the similarities, I think that all of my regulars heard me tell the story a million times for the next few days that followed our meeting. I went back to see him many times throughout the next few months that followed. Sometimes he would be awake and others he would just sleep. I talked to his parents and grandparents as the shared many stories of their little angel. I would sit with him for hours on end and often lose track of time while we talked and looked through pictures. I visited with him on new years and made sure to give him a new years kiss or maybe a few.  As the days went by and our conversations grew I learned of all these charities that had made so many things possible for the Chandler's. I was so interested in helping and doing anything that I could to help wherever I could. They gave me some names and charities to check into and I made sure to get all the information that I could. I filled out all the volunteer information and started helping almost immediately with the Leukemia Society's annual visit to SLCH. Throughout the next few months Robby's health was declining fast and it was hard to see. Robby lost his battle to Leukemia on his ninth birthday which was a very hard day for anyone that knew him. As the days passed before his funeral I began to think about what he had meant to me. Our relationship was far too short and Im sure that I could have learned much more from him and his family. The one word that comes to mind when I think Robby Chandler is FEARLESS. Which is why I got my tattoo "RC FEARLESS" I want to always be fearless with anything that I'm faced with in life. You can find inspiration in anything that you are open to and my inspiration is Robby. I run because I know that there is someone somewhere that wishes they could feel their feet hitting that pavement and is unable to. Robby was a fighter and would never give up he would fight through the treatment with a smile on his face. You see if you find inspiration in your life the determination and drive come naturally. I'm thankful everyday for the days that Robby and I got to spend together and will always hold him close to my heart. Today I'm running in the 5K for Friends of Kids With Cancer with Robby's picture safety pinned to my shirt. Thank you for everything you have taught me about dedication, strength and determination. You are my inspiration .......

Oh and todays work out will be your choice of 45 min of cardio.

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