Monday, April 16, 2012

Tired of starting over ?? STOP giving up !!!

This is the first workout for this blog so if you try it please leave a comment and let me know how you like and what you would change. Its all about calories in vs calories out whether your trying to lose weight or trying to maintain. When counting calories please know that cutting carbs is not the way to cut them. Your body needs carbs to live off so look for the right carbs. The whole wheat and whole grain try to steer clear of the white and refined carbs.

Todays workout Im naming MANIAC MONDAY and it should be done 5 times through. 

50 jumping jacks 
40 squats
30 lunges
20 jumping jacks 
10 pushups 
* 30 sec rest * 

Repeat for 5 sets 

Make sure you drink lots of water throughout the day. Use a reusable container and aim to fill it up 10 times throughout the day. If you find that water is to boring for you try adding lemon or cucumber.



  1. Yay! I am excited about this blog- Michelle!! XOXOXOXO Rebecca

  2. Great work out, great advice! :)

    1. Did you try the workout ?? What did you think ??

  3. OMG... this was exhausting but I'm excited to make it my Monday workout(even tho I just did it for Tuesday).

  4. Replies
    1. My legs were killing me on Wednesday
