Monday, October 22, 2012

Fall down 7 times and get up 8

The Week Long Birthday Hangover-

This week has been very difficult for me in terms of reaching my goals. I am coming off of an amazing week celebrating my 30th Birthday and having a week away from work and from my normal routine. This has caused me to eat more, drink more and exercise less. I am frustrated today because I feel like I have taken 10 steps backward. I have over indulged in every way possible. I have not said no to anything regarding food and drinks. I know that half of the battle is your diet which I have failed on this week. I only spent two sessions at the gym as well.

I am looking forward to getting back on track next week and continuing to move forward with my fitness goals. This journey for me is not only about losing weight and being healthy it is about embracing my body and loving ME for the beautiful person I am inside which I hope reflects outward as well!

With all of my negative progress this week I will say I have never felt more loved and amazing as I did with my friends and family. I was so over the moon to feel all of the love that was given to me. I am so truly blessed in my life! I think the poor choices I made this week are just a minor set back in this journey and I am looking forward to what the next year holds!



The last week has been a rough one for her and the weeks ahead look promising. Remember you are the only one that can do this, no one else can do it for you. The only thing standing between the old you and the new you is a choice. Once you make that choice — and start being true to yourself — it has a ripple effect on your entire future. There are so many people out there who are giving up, accepting what they believe to be their fate, and literally lying down to die. Don't be that person! We only have one life on this earth, so it's time to take control and live the life you were meant to live! Each step you take, whether it's dumping the processed junk in your kitchen to taking the time to honor yourself, is a positive change toward a healthy future. Keep it up and you just might inspire the future of those around you!

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