Monday, October 8, 2012

Get your mind right..... TODAY

When you're trying to lose weight, you can't change just your eating habits. You have to work out to maintain your muscle mass, too. This ensures that the calories you do consume go toward rebuilding and repairing your muscles. If you restrict calories without working out, once your diet is over, you're in big trouble. Your body is smart; it tries to think about long-term survival and wants to hold on to all the calories it can. When you starve yourself, you're making your body think it's going through a famine, so it does everything it can to conserve calories — including cannibalizing your muscles for fuel. Without those muscles, your metabolism is slower. Muscles are crucial to keeping that metabolism humming, so keep yours strong! JM

Understanding the way your body works when you don't eat and when you add in exercise is important. In today's society everyone is looking for the easiest and quickest way to lose weight but, very rarely are they concerned about the healthiest way. If your wanting to lose weight and start a gym routine the main thing to remember is to start slow. Changing just a few things about your everyday diet and only exercising 3 times a week. After your body gets used to this first stage (which can take a few weeks) start adding other changes. It's way easier to conquer a mountain when you take it a step at a time instead of sprinting. Here's your chance today is the start of a new week and a new you. Chose 1 or 2 things to either eliminate or cut down in your diet and pick 3 days this week that you can exercise for a minimum of 30 min.

Motivation gets your started and habit keeps you going. Xoxox

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