Friday, April 20, 2012


Frisky Friday workout

50 crunches 
40 jumping jacks 
30 squats 
20 lunges 
10 push ups
30 seconds rest 
*repeat cycle 5 times*

Last night as I was sitting in line to get a mani/pedi I couldn't help but overhear the conversation of two women that were sitting next to me. Both of which were trying to lose weight and they were talking about their accomplishments and the struggles that come along with the weight lose journey. They talked for some time then started flipping though some of the tabloid magazines that were in the lobby, they immediately pointed out the girls that were too skinny or too overweight. I'm listening to them and then it clicked WE ALL WANT WHAT WE DONT HAVE.  By this I mean every women has something they would love to change about themselves and often the things we don't like overrule the things that we love.
 We are always wanting to change something and often focus our attention on the areas of weakness. Why cant we just focus on the good ? So the next time you're saying to yourself or anyone who will listen (as I seem to do a lot) "Man, I wish my legs were thiner or my butt smaller" change your tone to "Im so proud to have these legs!". They have put in some major miles and without them I wouldn't be able to compete in races every weekend. Who cares if you don't look like you used to there is no need to live in the past. So from now on move forward and focus on all your body has been though and all you've done in this body. You wont look the same after kids but my lord you carried a child for 9 months and have something to be proud of for the rest of your life. As women we find it easy to sometimes focus on the negative. Today I challenge you to find the things you love about yourself. Write them on post-it's and stick them everywhere! Secondly, I want you to go out there and tell the women in your life what you admire about their physique. Stop staring in the rearview and start your new life today.



  1. What I admire about your everything. You carry yourself so well, like a true "lady". You are a stunning woman, inside and out! I love you sister and though I'm not "allowed" to follow your workout plan right now, I enjoy reading them. They give me something to look foward to for when I am able to workout! :) Love you sister!

    1. Thanks sister. You inspire me so much as well I think that your strength and your determination are on the top of my list of traits. i love you

  2. Thanks for sharing this Michelle. I think you can be a huge inspiration to a lot of women. Not just with their bodies and how they feel about that. Even other things that they can't change right away in their lives.

    1. Thanks Kristan. I only hope to help people though my blog and maybe get a few people interested in getting healthy.
