Sunday, April 15, 2012

the beginning ....


So I just decided to start this blog to share some tips and everyday workouts for the girls that ask me for help. I started with just texting the workouts to many of you at the beginning of each morning with some motivational words. I think that over time this may prove to be easier and more helpful. These workouts are things that can be done in your own home or outside. They will all be self explanatory and you'll be able to alter the amount of reps/time to fit your own personal fitness level. We will all be able to share our stories, tips and tricks and ask questions this way. I hope that this is an inspirational and motivational blog for all of you too read. Lots of love and happy calorie burning.


  1. So excited about this blog and having you for my "trainer"! Thanks sister!

  2. I'm excited... I'm actually sharing this with my girls at Curves everyday!
