Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Exercise your mind and the rest will follow .....

After doing some research on mental health and exercise I found some great information from a study done by  doctors Ashish Sharma, Vishal Madaan and Frederick D. Petty. It doesn't take much for us to become stressed, anxious or depressed. Our jobs, families and life events cause us to have mental lapses and even mental illnesses. Other times, the weather or regions we live in may cause us to feel “blue.” Though it is sometimes difficult to pick ourselves up off the floor, exercise is a perfect solution that will help us gain our mental strength back. It's proven that even small amounts of exercise can help us mentally. To get started, try taking a walk three times a week for 10-20 minutes. As the days progress, increase the amount of time you spend on cardiovascular activities. Jogging, swimming, cycling and dancing are also good activities that allow you exert energy and relieve those stresses. Find an activity that you like and stick to it! Even bring a friend along to keep you company or join a gym.

Remember that brains and minds are like machines. If too much stress is put on them, they are bound to run down. Too keep these machines running, you must keep them in top shape. Exercise will help you do this and will also help you to gain in other areas of your life. Once you begin exercising, you will find that sleep becomes easier, overall health improves and energy and stamina improve, and self confidence improves. You also lessen the risk of heart attack, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. It all starts in your head. If you are feeling run down, stressed or depressed, don't lay on that couch, or hide in your bed; take a walk and feel the benefits of exercising.

I've also included a link today to a friends personal testimonial on her weight loss journey and if this doesn't inspire you I don't know what will. This is a true tale of dedication and motivation at its best and she definitely has the body to show for all her hard work. WAY TO GO GIRL <3


by Rachel Maddux on Monday, June 4, 2012 at 12:45pm ·
Getting Started

I had been an athlete all my life, even in college. When days of practices and games stopped I never had the motivation or desire to work out on my own. Before I knew it I had just turned 23 and at a scary 289lbs. I ate fast food 2 sometimes 3 times a day and smoking at least 2 packs of cigarettes a week. Never making any healthy choices. Then one day I knew I needed to make a change and fast. I threw out a full pack of cigarettes on my way home, grabbed my dogs leash and went out for a jog.
The Transformation

3 months into my weight loss I had lost over 40lbs on my own. It was getting harder to lose and that is right when Complete Nutrition opened up in the mall I was working at. I went down daily to learn about all the supplements from the staff there and started taking a regimen of supplements recommend for me. I took the burn, the boost, the night shift pills and occasionally the cheat pills when I needed to. This helped me shed off the next 40lbs I lost and with the help of pre&post workout protein drinks from Complete Nutrition it helped me train and run my first ever 5k!
The Set Back & Start Over

It was almost a month to the day after my 5k race and being down 80lbs I found out I was pregnant. As happy as I was to be having a baby a part of me was disappointed and scared of any weight gain I would have during the pregnancy. Working 50 hours a week while pregnant left very little energy for the gym. I would try to walk or jog but usually only ended up having the energy to do it once or twice a week. Before I knew it I was at my last OB visit before being induced and was back at 272lbs. It was devastating to say the least that all my hard work in the year before had disappeared - but knew I was having a healthy baby girl and at that time that's all that mattered. Months after having my daughter I was still over 250lbs and impatient and frustrated to say the least. I worked out regularly and was eating healthier but nothing seemed to be changing on the scale or my body unfortunately. I went back to see my friends at Complete Nutrition and got the CTS360 Clinical Kit and started seeing immediate results once I mixed that in with my diet and exercise
Now I am 25 and my daughter is15 months old and I am literally in the best shape of my life with much thanks to Complete Nutrition, their staff and their supplements! I am now 180lbs as I type this and preparring to run a 10k this summer and a half marathon in the fall! Trying on bridesmaid dresses with my best friends and being able to get dresses within the same size range as them was a day I never thought I would see! I'm wearing dresses and clothes sizes I wore when I was 14! Less than 3 years ago I was shopping at the back of the rack at stores and on the "Plus size" sides of the store wearing size 24 jeans! Now I am a size 12 in jeans and can go shop anywhere without the fear of them not having my size! Thanks to everyone at Complete Nutrition for giving me a life I never thought I would have and making it so I can live life to the fullest with my daughter now too!

2009 - 289lbs

40 Wks Pregnant - 272lbs
June 2012 - 180lbs

Todays 5 MIN AB BLAST 

30 sec Mountain Climber 
30 sec Plank 
30 sec Crunches with legs at 90 degrees 

Repeat this circuit until you get to 5 min doing it thorough without rest !


Happy Tuesday 

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