Monday, June 11, 2012

One size fits ALL !!

When I say this I'm talking about CALORIES. There isn't different serving sizes for different people, We all get the same portions. Weight loss is about burning more calories than you're taking in and packaged foods are no exception. Many items that are billed as healthy on the front label, reveal another story when you check out the ingredients on the back. Don't be fooled by advertising. Avoid bad choices and be on the alert for these common food label traps:

Fat Free: Fat-free foods can be higher in carbs than their regular counterparts and may have almost as many calories. Fat-free cookies are a perfect example. Fat-free is not necessarily a better choice, so read your labels carefully.

Serving Size: If it seems too good to be true, then it probably is. You cannot use half a bottle of butter spray and still think you're getting zero calories and zero grams of fat! It's true that per serving it's just that, but spray your entire bowl of popcorn and you've got way more calories and fat than you intended.

Trans fats: While you're being smart looking at the packaging that says "trans fat-free," but you see on ingredient list that it contains partially hydrogenated oil. You may think your meal is in the clear because the outside packaging, and while it's technically true if you only eat one-serving, but if you're going for more than one serving, you'd be eating the nasty trans fat too — something you're supposed to avoid at all costs! JM

So this monday morning take a few seconds to get refocused and re-set your goals. You can do anything you want if you want it bad enough.


30 sec Plank
25 Crunches
12 Push ups
30 sec Wall sits
30 sec Flutter kicks (explained at the bottom)
15 Jump squats
30 Walking lunges

. Flutter Kick: Start lying on your back with arms at your sides and palms facing down. With legs extended, lift the heels off the floor (about six inches). Make quick, small up-and-down pulses with the legs, while keeping the core engaged. 

Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice.

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