Monday, May 28, 2012


As we all know the pools opened this weekend and with that comes living in our swimsuits for the next few months. I know that we all say that we need to workout and we need to get bikini ready and then it sneaks up on you and it's HERE. So heres your chance you have 5 weeks until July 4th weekend and there is no better time than now to set a new goal or get refocused. Think about what you want to do wether it be tone, tighten or trim you can do anything in 5 weeks and now is the time. You must start by getting focused and making a plan think about what you're going to be eating the next 5 weeks. What are your guilty pleasures, what can you not say "no" to ? Start to plan your day and set yourself up for success, put yourself in the winning zone. When you complete each day of healthy habits you are winning and getting a step closer to your goal. Start by planning meals and stashing snacks in your purse, your car and in your fridge. Make little bags of small snacks think almonds, string cheese, granola bars, carrots, celery, banana and anything else that would be considered a good and healthy snack. Keep a small notebook with you and write down everything that you eat throughout the day and hold yourself accountable. When you skip writing something down because you feel guilty you're only hurting yourself and this journey is about holding yourself accountable and reaching your goal. You can only do this for you and you wont be upset with the results of your hard work and the pay off will be in the form of a 2 piece banging bikini body. Stay focused and you can do anything.


25 jump squats
20 walking lunges
50 bicycle crunches
15 push ups
50 crunches
30 sec plank

Repeat 3 times and complete 30 min of cardio


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