Thursday, May 10, 2012

EAT more to LOSE more

Destroy what is destroying you !

So after a few weeks of working out you're still not seeing the scale move and you're feeling a bit discouraged. One thing to remember is that you're building muscle and burning fat even if the scale isn't moving. Muscle weighs more than fat and building up your muscle is going to help you burn more fat while resting thus causing weight loss. So start looking at other ways to measure yourself such as the way your clothes fit, your athletic ability or changes in the size of your body parts. Save the scale for once a week and don't focus on the number that it shows but rather the feeling you have after completing a workout you couldn't do in week 1. Another thing that can help you lose weight is eating more often throughout the day aim for 5 times. When you eat five times a day this includes breakfast, lunch, dinner, midmorning snack and mid-afternoon snack. Eating five times a day will stabilize your blood sugar making sure that it doesn't spike. When your blood sugar is to high your insulin spikes causing your body to store fat, these spikes occur when you're only eating one or two times a day. I will give you a rough draft of how to break it down to make sure you're hitting all the major groups and you can adjust it to what works for you. Remember not everything works for everybody.

Breakfast- Protein (2 eggs), grain (1cup oatmeal) and fruit (1cup)

Snack- Protein (string cheese and 25 almonds)

Lunch- 4oz Protein (grld chicken breast) and Veggies (1cup)

Snack- Veggies (celery and carrots with hummus)

Dinner- 4oz Protein (Sirloin steak or fish), Grain (1 cup brown rice) and Veggies (1cup stemmed brocc)


40 high knees 
15 full sit-ups 
10 push ups 
20 jumping jacks 
40 bicycle crunches 
5 burpees 
30 mountain climbers 
40 jumping jacks 
30 russian twist 

High knee: Start by running in place and bringing your knees as high and close to your chest as you can.
Bicycle: Lie down with knees bent and hands behind the head. With the knees in toward the chest, bring the right elbow towards the left knee as the right leg straightens. Continue alternating sides (like you're pedaling ).
Burpees: One of the most effective full-body exercises around, this one starts out in a low squat position with hands on the floor. Next, kick the feet back to a push-up position, complete one push-up, then immediately return the feet to the squat position. Leap up as high as possible before squatting and moving back into the push-up portion of the show.
Mountain Climber: Starting on your hands and knees, bring the left foot forward directly under the chest while straightening the right leg. Keeping the hands on the ground and core tight, jump and switch legs. The left leg should now be extended behind the body with the right knee forward.
Russian Twist: Sit on the floor with knees bent and feet together, lifted a few inches off the floor. With the back at a 45-degree angle from the ground, move the arms from one side to another in a twisting motion. Here, slow and steady wins the race: The slower the twist, the deeper the burn.

1 comment:

  1. What about River City Buffet?? Can I eat that 5 times a day?
