Friday, May 25, 2012

MENTAL block

Many people get so stuck on the number on the scale that they start to forget how far they've come. Think back to when you first started this journey you may have only been able to run for 1 min before walking now you may be doing 4-5 min. Clear your head and the rest will follow when you let go of the number on the scale and start focusing on your ability and pushing yourself you will see the number drop sometimes effortlessly. Also remember muscle weighs more than fat and you need muscle to power your intense workouts. Healthy is the new skinny. It's not attractive to be skin and bones but to be toned and athletic. So when you start to obsess over the number on the scale, shift your focus and think about how far you've come and all the muscle you have built. You have to know that your body won't let you get to an unrealistic weight without fighting back so find your healthy weight and maintain.


10 Pushups
30 Lunges
50 Jumping jacks
25 Squats
20 sec Plank
50 Bicycle crunches
20 Crunches
*repeat circuit 3 times*

Don't compare yourself with someone else's version of happy or thin. Accepting yourself burns the most calories.

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