Tuesday, May 15, 2012

TIGHT tush tuesday

Breathing is one of the biggest things that people ask me about when they start running. This is a tricky thing to try to explain to others but I'm going to give it a shot. Some of the experts will tell you to try the 2-2 or 3-3 method which means you'll breathe in for 2 steps and out for 2 steps or 3 in and 3 out. To be honest I hate to count steps but for some this will make the time and miles fly by so find what works for you. I've found it easiest to listen to my body and breathe natural in and out if it seems I'm gasping for air I will slow down and if it feels like it's to easy I will speed it up. I'm not sure that there is a right and wrong way but by doing what works for you, you will find that it becomes easier the more you condition your lungs. When I get a cramp I try to take one deep belly breath and hold it in then let it out slowly. Sometime I can squeeze my side where the cramp is and slightly massage it which usually relieves it. If you find that you are getting cramps frequently with running you might want to check your hydration and calculate if you're drinking enough water daily. Besides breathing and hydration you should beware of certain foods before runs I find that any fried food or heavy food tends to give me cramps and makes me sluggish. Find what works for you and stick with it you will find your groove in no time. Some really BIG benefits of running and any other exercise plan for that matter are as follows. Your health will improve, prevention of disease, lose unwanted weight, relieve stress, eliminate depression and boost confidence. If you are questioning the benefits of exercise ask anyone that does it on a regular basis and they can give you a million reasons join the movement.

Tight TUSH tuesday

50 back lunges (step backwards to lunge alternating sides)
40 sumo squats (definition at the bottom)
30 Jump squats
20 Leg Lifts
10 sec plank

Sumo Squat: Start with feet 6-12 in wider than your shoulders and point toes outward at a 45 degree angle. Keep weight in your heels and lower body making thighs parallel to the floor. Don't let knew go over toes .

Jump Squats: Start in a regular squat position lower into the squat then jump landing back in lower squat position.

Leg Lifts: While on your hands in knees stretch your left leg and right hand out. Just like someone was tugging on your hand pulling it forward and someone else was pulling your leg backward. Hold the position for 5 seconds on each side focusing on stretching as far as you can. Then alternate until you have completed 10 on each side.



  1. I feel like this workout was made for me!!! I need to do this on the daily LOL

    1. Let me know how you like it :) Might help with the dirt road.

  2. I love you Michelle! Thanks for all the advice and inspiration!
