Tuesday, May 8, 2012


I found an interesting article the other night that said one of the main reason people give for not following their exercise regimens is their responsibilities to their spouses. If one person starts to make changes whether positive or negative it can be threatening to the one who doesn't want to change. The spouse that isn't seeking change may feel insecure at the prospect of the others transformation. This type of transformation can be very scary for the other person, who might think that you will outgrow the relationship and leave them for someone or something else. You may find it easier to talk to them about your feelings and let them in on your goals. Including them in your weight loss journey has many benefits. You will get some extra quality time and be able to reach your goals without sacrificing any one on one time. Partners are the best motivators whether it is a spouse or just a workout buddy, remain consistent and take care of one another. Exercise produces chemicals in the brain that evoke happiness and reduce stress which can create a deeper bond. By taking care of yourself you show that you take pride in yourself and you want to be around for a while. Working out with a partner can create balance since men usually lean towards strength training and women towards cardio you get more comfortable with both. If your partner is already sold on the workout buddy system there are some do's and dont's. You should communicate your goals and encourage each other, set positive examples while starting off slow and have fun with it. Make sure you avoid offensive comments about weight, don't force them to work out or punish them for not working out. This is a very sensitive time for someone that is making that decision to be healthy and make a great lifestyle change. It's most important that the people closest to them  be the most supportive and encouraging. Remember when you started and how you felt? Here's your chance to set a good example, show off everything you've learned and the workouts you've been doing.

Toned ARMS ...free of flab

10 push ups
30 sec plank
25 Tricep dips
30 sec rest

15 push ups
30 sec Plank (left foot 2 in off floor)
10 push ups
30 sec Plank (right foot 2 in off floor)
30 sec rest

25 Tricep dips
25 jumping jacks
60 sec Plank
30 sec rest

Repeat 3 times
When each circuit is complete start over.

Triceps Dip: Get seated near a step or bench with the stair at your back). Sit on the floor with knees slightly bent, and grab the edge of the elevated surface and straighten the arms. Bend them to a 90-degree angle, and straighten again while the heels push towards the floor.

Today's Mantra

Stand up
Get your hands up
Are you ready to kick ass

Conquer the weakness
Work through the pain
I can't be defeated
I will remain
I will not quit

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